Beach Books

For the first time in nine years, our family got to take a highly anticipated vacation this fall. We returned to Pawleys Island, SC – which has always been our kids’ favorite vacation destination.

Part of my ideal vacation is a chance to kick back with a good book on the beach. This year was a great year. I read seven books in seven days.

Here are the titles:

The Year of the Warrior by Lars Walker- not what I expected, but very enjoyable. 1st person tale from the perspective of an Irish Christian, kidnapped by Vikings and persuaded, against his will, to become their priest.




The Confirmation by Ralph Reed – a political potboiler. Not bad, but not especially memorable.





Jack Hinson’s One-Man War by Tom McKenney- fascinating account of a Tennessee farmer who takes his revenge as a sniper after Yankee soldiers brutally murder two of his sons.





Don’t Vote! It Just Encourages the Bastards by P.J. O’Rourke – I identify with PJ. And he’s very funny. He does not suffer fools gladly.





To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – Everyone should re-read this book at regular intervals. Still a powerful story.





Brothers, We Are Not Professionals by John Piper – I certainly buy the main premise, that the drive to “professionalize” pastors has been a disaster. But I found Piper’s book a bit too long in the end. While I agreed with his points, the structure of the book became a bit repetitive.



And finally, Citizens of London by Lynn Olson – the story of Gil Winant, Averell Harriman, Ed Murrow and a dozen other key players who helped the British in their hour of need. Good history, organized as a series of biographical sketches. Many stories and anecdotes which I’d never heard before. Very good at capturing and conveying what life was like in England during the darkest days of WW II.

That’s how I spent my vacation!

What good books have you been reading?

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