
Capitalism and free markets are NOT based on “greed.”

They are based on the concept of liberty and inalienable rights.

They presuppose a government established by consent of the governed to protect and guarantee those rights.

The genius of capitalism is that it realistically assesses human nature and human behavior and then by establishing free markets, voluntary exchange, market-driven pricing, and property rights it harnesses and channels greed, aka self-interest, so that all benefit.

You won’t abolish greed by abolishing capitalism. Capitalism doesn’t cause greed. It doesn’t even exacerbate it. Capitalism harnesses and tames greed and directs self-interest so that the maximum beneft accrues to everyone in the market.

Capitalism is not evil.

Michael Moore is evil, but not capitalism.

He’s also a hypocrite, since he uses capitalism and the free market for the distribution of films to acquire wealth for himself. Is Michael Moore not making, promoting, marketing and selling films based on greed? or to phrase it in a more socially acceptable fashion, self-interest? The beauty of the free-market system is that if there are enough patrons who desire to see the movies that Michael Moore makes then they will voluntarily exchange cash for movie tickets and DVDs. But only if there is liberty and a free market.

In a centrally-planned, command economy, the commissar of entertainment would decide how many and which movies should be made. And the proles would be required to attend and applaud. And Michael Moore would wind up in the gulag, if not stood up against a wall and shot.

Ironic, no?

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