– Barack Obama, June 4, 2008

“Donde esta los weapons de automaticos?”
Exhibit A: Detroit.
I could give other examples.
via Detroit: The Moral of the Story – By Kevin D. Williamson – Exchequer – National Review Online.
“I confess that not in my wildest dreams did I imagine President Obama’s campaign would be so awful.”
Silence on Islam & slavery.
Rudeness to the Dali Lama.
Silence on Egypt, Libya, & Syria.
Inexplicable paralysis on Iran & N. Korea.
Bumbling with Chinese dissidents.
“with the Obama presidency, human rights has completed its passage away from the political left, across the center and into its home mainly on the right—among neoconservatives and evangelical Christian activists.Conservatives didnt capture the issue. The left gave it away.”
“a heretofore neglected pocket of resistance to the gender revolution in the workplace: married male employees who have stay-at-home wives.”
Didn’t realize I was so easily identified as part of the resistance, but I guess so.
Note to all: the inflammatory, culture war rhetoric comes directly from the article.
The publication of this article paints a bullseye on every one of us husbands whose wives do not work.
Make no mistake. We are targeted for elimination and will be excluded from consideration for jobs in corporations of any size.
Two immediate reasons:
The last pockets of resistance to the gender revolution must be eliminated, comrades!
Up against the wall, traditional men!
God help us.
A response to the tired and tortured canards of the religious left.
a sample:
“Jesus’ values” had nothing to do with what the state was supposed to do for the poor or disadvantaged. They were about what you and your religious community were to do for the poor. “Jesus’ values” were the ethics of the Kingdom, and had to do, not with generalized principles for good conduct, but for the way His disciples were to live their lives in obedience to God. Getting the government to “perform the corporal works of mercy” is a way of shifting the burden from one’s own shoulders to those of the state, and to the polity as a whole, but Jesus never expected that non-disciples would follow His commands or do His works.
Very much worth your while to read…
a hat tip to StandFirmInFaith.com