Many of you may know that we have two adopted daughters from China. One of our daughters was adopted from the orphanage in Hengyang, China in Hunan Province. This province is the one which has been hit hardest in the current weather crisis in China. The plight of the orphans (overwhelmingly abandoned girls) is far more serious than has been reported in the media anywhere.
Our oldest daughter, Micah, spent a year working with a British mission agency that works with the orphanages in Changsha and Hengyang. Today, she received this urgent email appeal.
Please read it, and if God moves you, click on the link provided to make a donation. I can vouch for the integrity and diligence of ICC. 100% of the donations will be used to directly assist the orphans in China.
China Weather Crisis – We Need Your Help
Dear Micah
China is weathering the most severe winter in 50 years and Hunan province is one of the worst hit in a snow crisis that has gripped the country these past 3 weeks with extreme weather conditions wreaking havoc.
International China Concern’s projects in Changsha and Hengyang are in survival mode as they face food, water and electricity shortages. Your help is needed to enable us to pay for a stockpile of food, to make emergency repairs, and provide additional warm clothing and bedding for the children.
The China Daily reports snow that started on January 13 has toppled 82,000 houses, damaged crops on 2.5 million hectares and frozen 609,000 heads of livestock to death. More than 3.5 million people face water shortages, there are major power shortages and 1.43 million people are stranded on highways and railways.
According to The Guardian the China Meteorological Administration has issued a red alert, the highest of its five ratings, warning central and eastern China to expect severe snow and ice storms.
International China Concern’s projects, both in Hunan province, continue to suffer power and water shortages. Our international volunteers and employees have been filling and transporting water containers by hand from a farmer’s well. Many employees are working 24 – 48 hour shifts as transport has come to a standstill.
Ron Burns in Hengyang writes:
‘The first day it snowed it took 2 hours to walk to the centre through the snow and ice, clambering over fallen power lines. The power was off at the centre for 7 days and because the water supply is pumped by an electric pump from the well – no water either. We had a fire truck deliver water a couple of times. When the roads were too icy for traffic the Army helped out a little after we had dragged 25 litre containers from the well to the centre and were too exhausted to continue. Some of the food had to be carried in on foot and last Friday we managed to hire a small van to deliver a huge order of food from the supermarket to feed the children. The Chinese employees have been incredible, rising to the occasion and just getting on with the job.’
Due to major shortages, food prices are expected to double, the roof of the Changsha therapy building collapsed in the severe weather last week, and there’s been damage to the kitchen and one of the group home roofs in Hengyang. Emergency repair work will be required in both projects as soon as the weather improves. Additional clothing, bedding and supplies have also been purchased – expenses we’d not budgeted for. It’s been an incredible challenge keeping all 235 children and young adults warm and healthy as many have poor circulation and complex health issues. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will go a long way toward helping us provide all that’s needed now and in the coming days.
Please help and donate today. Help us care well for the children and those caring for them.
Donations can be made quickly and securely online, or contact your national office .

Hengyang fire trucks bringing emergency water supplies
– Rob Shearer
Director, Schaeffer Study Center
Publisher, Greenleaf Press