Obama favors drafting women – McCain is opposed

From a story in today’s Pttsburgh Post-Gazette:

Candidates differ on female draft
Monday, October 13, 2008
By Jerome L. Sherman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Even as the U.S. confronts two long wars, neither Sen. John McCain nor Sen. Barack Obama believes the country should take the politically perilous step of reviving the military draft.

But the two presidential candidates disagree on a key foundation of any future draft: Mr. Obama supports a requirement for both men and women to register with the Selective Service, while Mr. McCain doesn’t think women should have to register.

Also, Mr. Obama would consider officially opening combat positions to women. Mr. McCain would not.

“Women are already serving in combat [in Iraq and Afghanistan] and the current policy should be updated to reflect realities on the ground,” said Wendy Morigi, Mr. Obama’s national security spokeswoman. “Barack Obama would consult with military commanders to review the constraints that remain.”

The push to allow women to participate equally in all branches of the military in all positions leads inevitably to this result.

In the next war, women are going to be drafted.

I cannot conceive of a more misguided, more tragic policy position.

If Obama is elected president, my daughters and grand-daughters face conscription and involuntary military service.

Obama and the Democrats think this is just fine.

McCain is opposed to it.

I don’t need to know anything else about the two candidates.

– Rob Shearer (aka RedHatRob)
Dad to eight beautiful daughters. Uncle Sam can have them when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.
My sons are not happy with the prospect either . . .

4 thoughts on “Obama favors drafting women – McCain is opposed”

  1. Mr. Shearer,

    Please square your lack of support for sending your sons and daughters to war with the Republican Party’s support of dual wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Whose sons would you rather send?

  2. I didn’t say anything about sending my sons.

    My issue is with the US Government (Democrat or Republican) making plans to draft my daughters for military service.

    Obama has now publicly stated that he favors this. McCain is opposed.

    Pick the candidate you agree with and vote for them.

    – Rob Shearer

  3. I hate the draft as much as anyone… and probably more because I believe that all war and violence is wrong. But the only egalitarian draft is one that does not discern on the basis of gender. There is nothing about a woman that is more sacred that that of a man. If the concern of some in regards to the subject is the overall effectiveness of women on the battle field they need a history lesson. Many countries have already allowed women the right to fight. Russia even had a whole platoon (I believe it was WWI but could have been WWII, sorry I’m a little rusty) named the “Women’s Legion of Death.” And these women fought bravely alongside their husbands and brothers for the Motherland.

    Now once again, I will reiterate that I am STRONGLY opposed to any war or action of violence and therefore against the draft anyway… but it doesn’t look like either candidate is against violence as long as it is “Just.”

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