Category Archives: National Politics

Ted Kennedy offered to conspire with the Soviets on the best way to outwit Ronald Reagan

That’s the claim made in The President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World by John O’Sullivan. Published in 2006, I’ve had it in my to-read stack for too long and I overlooked it too often. Its a delightful read. Sullivan is an excellent writer, clear, to-the-point, and with a wealth of inside ancedotes. Born in Britain, but with extensive experience as a journalist in both the US and the UK, O’Sullivan served for a time as a special advisor to Prime Minister Thatcher.

The startling paragraph on Kennedy comes on page 197:

“Six months after becoming general secretary of the CPSU [early 1983], Yuri Andropov received a highly confidential letter from his successor as KGB chief, Viktor Chebrikov. It was classified “Top Secret – Of Special Importance,” and reported an approach to the Soviets made through the good offices of former senator John Tunney of California. The senior American politican making the apporach was Senator Edward Kennedy. He was requesting a personal interview with Andropov because “in the interest of world peace it would be useful and timely to take a few extra steps to counteract the militaristic policies of Ronald Reagan.” (Chebrikov is summarizing Kennedy here rather than quoting him directly.)

. . . Kennedy made several subsequent attempts to advise the Soviets on the best way to outwit Reagan.”

This report is particularly odious, because Andropov was the immediate successor to Brezhnev. He had been the Soviet ambassador to Hungary in 1956 and played a key role in the brutal soviet suppression of the Hungarian revolt. He was also the architect of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

And this is the man that Senator Kennedy sought to conspire with in order to thwart Reagan.

Pardon me if I do not join in the encominiums to the Senator from Chappaquidick as the greatest legislator of the past 100 years.

– Rob Shearer

You’ll notice a widget in the left sidebar with an opportunity to vote on an idea at

The proposal comes from Naomi Aldort. Here is what she wrote:

Children should be raised by parents, not by strangers in substitute facilities. Ours is the first society in human history to deprive children of their very basic need for parental constant care. We do so in the name of money. I suggest that the money spent on day care should be used to support mothers/parents in staying home, and to make financial adjustments that make one salary be viable for families, the way it used to be. 
I am a child psychologist, the author of Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves and of hundreds of advice columns published internationally. I counsel parents daily and I see the harm to children, parents, families and through them to our whole society, caused by this deprivation of parental constant care. A society which does not care for mothers and children suffers violence, loneliness, depression, addiction, learning difficulties and other emotional hardships we see around us every day. The family unit must be honored as the highest priority. 
Equality for women should not be paying them only when they do men’s type jobs, but also, or mostly, when they do the women’s type job of mothering: the most important job on earth. 
I am available with ideas, guidance and support for transitioning our society back to raising children the way nature designed it. The money saved from daycare, and then from preventing costly adictions, depressions, violence, behavioral and learning issues, will more than cover the costs of giving our children back their mothers. 
Naomi Aldort  Author, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves

I don’t know what impact raising this issue on might have. For those just joining us, is the Obama transition team’s website where they have solicited input from citizens about policies in the new Obama administration.

Will it help? unknown. possibly.

Could it hurt? unlikely.

– Rob Shearer

Note: The top 3 ideas in this category currently are “Appoint a Secretary of Peace;” “Repeal the Patriot Act;” and “End Corporate Personhood.” Supporting mothers surely is more important!

Online campaign to revoke Obama’s invitation to Rick Warren



“Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT Americans.”

– quoted from Obama’s Divisive Choice of Rick Warren

There’s a Facebook Group with 1,800+ members already called No Rick Warren at Obama Inauguration

Sample comments:

“We must never, never, nerver forget how Obama betrayed us.”

“Take off your shoes, America, and get ready to hurl them hard!”

“What is Obama’s obsession with fake-Christian hatemongers? He promised change, not status quo.”

Short honeymoon, eh?

A tale of three secretaries

Here are the bios of the last two Secretaries of State, prior to their appointments.

Colin Powell

BA, City College, New York; MBA, George Washington University.

Served overseas in Germany, Viet Nam, Korea

Senior Military Advisor to Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger 1983-1986

National Security Advisor, President Ronald Reagan 1987-1989

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, President George H.W. Bush 1989-1993

Condolezza Rice

BA, University of Denver, Phi Beta Kappa

MA, Political Science, Notre Dame

PhD, Political Science, University of Denver
thesis on military policy and politics in Czechoslovakia

Stanford University: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, Provost
Senior Fellow, Institute for International Studies – specialist on the Soviet Union

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution

Senior Director, Soviet and East European Affairs, National Security Council – President George H.W. Bush 1989-1991

National Security Advisor, President George Bush 2001-2005

No one seems to be asking what Hillary Clinton’s qualifications for being Secretary of State are. What are they?

Hillary Rodham Clinton

BA, Wellesley College; JD, Yale Law School

Impeachment Inquiry Staff, House Judiciary Committee, 1974

Failed DC Bar exam, passed Arkansas Bar exam

Partner Rose Law Firm, Little Rock Arkansas 1977-1992

Director, Legal Services Corporation 1978-1981

First Lady, Arkansas 1978-1992

First Lady, United States 1992-2000

United States Senator, New York 2000-

She has no experience in international affairs. She has never lived overseas. She speaks no foreign language. Her most remarkable accomplishments have been to turn $1,000 into $100,000 in ten months of trading in cattle futures, and trashing her husband’s approval ratings in 1993 when she headed an ill-advised attempt to nationalize US healthcare – an issue that led to the Republicans picking up 53 seats and gaining control of the House in 1994.

Why is this woman about to be selected as the next Secretary of State?

– RedHatRob

Some common sense economic advice from the Sage of Mt. Juliet

A thoughtful community stalwart sent me the following in an email this morning. Mr. Fred Weyler of Mt. Juliet has the following observations:


My county trustee is raising my annual rent again. He says that my house is worth about four times what I paid for it. He also says that schools need 20% extra this year for school bus operation. I never had a school bus ride. I walked until I bought a bicycle. My classmates did, too. They had no obesity problems. It will take 14 of the 3 cent first class postage stamps I used to pay my first bills to send the trustee this year’s rent. The rent is higher despite my fixed income and my higher expenses, like more to fill my push mower than it cost to fill any of my first three cars. If I must sell my house to pay my bills, I face a capital gains tax even though my capital is now worth less.

Some people blame me, as a baby boomer, for wrecking Social Security. What a social circus! Twas not my choice, but FDR said I had to do it temporarily. Along the way, folks said I had to do it bigger and so did my employer. 16% of my pay would have made a huge IRA, but I had no choice. I could choose whether to pay big interest rates for a car and furniture or to walk a while longer and sleep on the floor until I could pay for furniture. Government knew that my retirement trust fund was more important than my start in this world. I sometimes worked two or three jobs to avoid big debt and big interest.

LBJ “borrowed” from my retirement trust fund to build housing in Chicago, Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga and elsewhere, but not in my small town. I watched as it was trashed, then as the bulldozers hauled it off or buried it. Community organizers and congress urged banks to finance housing for the next generation from LBJs projects. Do not ask about income, assets, or jobs the way my mortgager asked me. Banks blindly made loans which they and the borrower knew could not be repaid and had insufficient collateral. They did not pay and the banks have worthless paper instead of capital.

Now they tell me that it is my responsibility to help the banks get going again and to help those who did not pay to stay in their houses. Who’s telling me?

Those same people who told the banks to make those blind loans, who make bank rules, and under whose oversight the laws are administered. They are advised by some of those folks who made millions bringing financial institutions to their ruin.

I am incensed that they wanted to take my money, then if it got paid back, take 20% of it for organizations like ACORN. Are they not the outfit which set new records of multiple voter registrations, deceased voter registration, cartoon character voter registration, and canine voter registration to elect the yahoos who now want more of my money?

Why do I feel like I’d find joy if Franks, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, Bush, and Paulson were impeached for malfeasance of duty?

I worked hard in college. I worked harder in high school. It paid off. With my savings and scholarship, my college job paid the rest and I did not graduate with huge debt. My dad helped me get my bicycle to campus. I rode the bus to get home occasionally. My professors walked from their houses to the classroom. Now there are parking lots where their houses were.

I’d say that the financial system needs some help. Some ways to give it:

  • First, do nothing until you put a stop to the practices which brought on this situation. No need to throw more good money after bad.
  • Lower the capital gains tax. Lower the corporate tax rate. Watch how much money comes out of the mattresses to ease the credit crunch.
  • Share oil revenues with the states to encourage new production and watch investment soar, new jobs, more tax revenue, improved balance of payments, and lower gasoline prices. Encourage new nuclear power plants and oil refineries. You cannot amend the law of supply and demand. Let it dictate when entrepreneurs have electric cards on the road with new jobs in fast battery swap out and recharge stations and more tax revenues.
  • Prosecute the bums who led institutions to ruin. Put all their assets back into the system.
  • Pay off the national debt to reduce the cost of capital.
  • Make FICA follow the same solvency rules as you enforce upon pension funds. Deposit that $50 trillion or whatever the number is into banks so that they may
  • lend some of it with ample oversight, transparency, accounting and regulation.
  • Divert some funds away from Dept of Education. Quit expanding high school parking lots. Put some lard buns to work digging up those global warming parking lots to make room for bike racks and more grass and trees.

– Fred Weyler, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee

The Media Pundits will explain it all to us

It’s grimly amusing sometimes to watch people who do not know much about religious faith in general, and about Christianity in particular, instructing their intellectual inferiors in the meaning of terms like “fundamentalist” and “conservative” and “liberal”.  It’s as if a bright Labrador Retriever were to deliver opinions on the Doorknob Principle, or the Origin of Food.

– Anthony Esolen, in the Mere Comments section of Touchstone Magazine