Tag Archives: support for mothers and children


You’ll notice a widget in the left sidebar with an opportunity to vote on an idea at Change.org.

The proposal comes from Naomi Aldort. Here is what she wrote:

Children should be raised by parents, not by strangers in substitute facilities. Ours is the first society in human history to deprive children of their very basic need for parental constant care. We do so in the name of money. I suggest that the money spent on day care should be used to support mothers/parents in staying home, and to make financial adjustments that make one salary be viable for families, the way it used to be. 
I am a child psychologist, the author of Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves and of hundreds of advice columns published internationally. I counsel parents daily and I see the harm to children, parents, families and through them to our whole society, caused by this deprivation of parental constant care. A society which does not care for mothers and children suffers violence, loneliness, depression, addiction, learning difficulties and other emotional hardships we see around us every day. The family unit must be honored as the highest priority. 
Equality for women should not be paying them only when they do men’s type jobs, but also, or mostly, when they do the women’s type job of mothering: the most important job on earth. 
I am available with ideas, guidance and support for transitioning our society back to raising children the way nature designed it. The money saved from daycare, and then from preventing costly adictions, depressions, violence, behavioral and learning issues, will more than cover the costs of giving our children back their mothers. 
Naomi Aldort  Author, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves www.AuthenticParent.com

I don’t know what impact raising this issue on Change.org might have. For those just joining us, Change.org is the Obama transition team’s website where they have solicited input from citizens about policies in the new Obama administration.

Will it help? unknown. possibly.

Could it hurt? unlikely.

– Rob Shearer

Note: The top 3 ideas in this category currently are “Appoint a Secretary of Peace;” “Repeal the Patriot Act;” and “End Corporate Personhood.” Supporting mothers surely is more important!