Tag Archives: CPSIA

Dr. Seuss Meets the CPSIA

CPSIA = The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

Heather Idoni, of The Homeschooler’s Notebook and BelovedBooks.com, with help from her friend, Jodi Whisler, of HomeGrownHearts.com, has written a delightful spoof (a la Dr. Seuss) exposing the stupidity of Congress’ attempt to improve the safety of children’s products. 

Congress’ ham-fisted efforts may very well bankrupt a number of companies who make products for children. Even more alarming, it may result in the destruction of all children’s books published before 1985. THAT, gentle readers, would be a tragedy of immense proportions. In my more cynical moments, I wonder if the wholesale destruction of several centuries of politically incorrect books was not somebody’s intention all along.

Idoni & Whisler’s ode is brilliant. Here’s a sample:

The law with the rules that they hurriedly drafted,
so brilliantly worded and carefully crafted,

Would certainly solve this great problem they had —
Who would complain?  How could it be bad?

“Out with the bathwater, baby and all”
was the rallying cry from the town’s city hall

 Head over to Idoni’s EasyFunSchool and read the whole thing.