Tag Archives: global warming

Global? I do not think that word means what you think it means

Global is supposed to mean world-wide, as in a “global catastrophe.”A global phenomenon should affect everyone, everywhere.

For the past two weeks, the average high temp in Nashville has been 45. Historically, our average high temp in February is 55. For the next week, the average high temp is forecast to be approx. 45 each day. This is not just a one fluke day anomaly. We’re running a month of consecutive days where our temps are 10 degrees below normal.

In layman’s terms, it’s cold.

But the AGW true believers are quick to assert that this in no way refutes the documented long-term trend of global warming. The models, they assure, in fact predict that there will be more extreme weather, more snow, more record cold days. Right.

I am reminded of John Wisdom’s parable of the invisible gardener, which runs thus:

“Two people return to their long neglected garden and find, among the weeds, that a few of the old plants are surprisingly vigorous. One says to the other, ‘It must be that a gardener has been coming and doing something about these weeds.’ The other disagrees and an argument ensues. They pitch their tents and set a watch. No gardener is ever seen. The believer wonders if there is an invisible gardener, so they patrol with bloodhounds but the bloodhounds never give a cry. Yet the believer remains unconvinced, and insists that the gardener is invisible, has no scent and gives no sound. The sceptic doesn’t agree, and asks how a so-called invisible, intangible, elusive gardener differ from an imaginary gardener, or even no gardener at all.”

And so, I ask the AGW true believers, How does this invisible, intangible, elusive global warming which produces cold weather and more snow differ from imaginary global warming, or even, no global warming at all?

Update from Ice Station Laguardo

According to the weatherman, sometime between 9am and noon tomorrow, the temperature will reach 32 degrees and by 3pm will climb all the way up to 38. It will be the first time since the evening of January 2nd that the temperature here in middle Tennessee has gotten above freezing. According to the National Weather Service the last time that we had nine consecutive days of below-freezing temperatures was in  1899. That was 111 years ago.

It was warmer at McMurdo Station, Antarctica yesterday than it was in Nashville, TN.

As someone else has observed, when it’s hot it’s global warming; when it’s cold it’s just weather.

I think the percentage of folks in Middle Tennessee who believe in global warming has fallen with the thermometer.

Nashville is frozen – for how long?

Baby, it’s cold outside.

Friday, January 1st, the high temperature in Nashville was 37 degrees. It fell below freezing the night of 1/1/2010 and over the past three days, the high temp has never gotten back to 32. The long-range, five-day forecast says our warmest day of the coming week will get up to only 31 degrees (on Wednesday). We may be able to ice-skate on the ponds by the end of the week. It may get up to 34 on Sunday, January 10th. We’re looking at 10+ consecutive days of below freezing temperatures.

Friends, this is unusual for Nashville. In 2009, the January temps got above freezing on 28 out of 31 days. In 2008, the high temp was above freezing on 29 of 31 days. In 2007, it was above freezing on 30 out of 31 days. In 2006, it was above freezing on 31 out of 31 days.

Last year (and most years), we’ve actually had a balmy week of January temps in the 50s & 60s.

Button up. Stay warm. Take care of your pets. It could be awhile before the spring thaw.

Change.org blames Katrina on Bush’s failure to pass Global Warming Bill

They’re not just blaming the failure of city & state authorities to evacuate folks on Bush, they’re blaming the actual hurricane itself on Bush. Here’s a quote from an email they just sent out today:

President Bush’s short-term failures compounded the suffering along the Gulf Coast in those fateful days. But his dismal failure to lead on global warming has made extreme weather events like Katrina more likely in the future.

And they’re saying we all need to rally around and make sure Obama and Co. pass a “clean energy and climate bill this year.”

We must

“. . .work tirelessly to prevent a future where disasters like Katrina become the norm. A strong clean energy bill is critical to preventing such a future, but we need our President to lead Congress where it needs to go. Tell President Obama to push Congress for bold action today.”

This is, of course, nonsense on stilts. Here are the facts:

A) Global temperatures have been cooling since 1999
B) Katrina was not caused by global warming
C) There has been a DECREASE in the severity of hurricanes over the past several years.

The global warming alarmists have by now reached a mystical level of superstition in which all the bad things in the world are the fault of global warming. And the fact of global warming is unquestioned. Their response to an examination of the data is took stick their fingers in their ears and make loud noises.

Instead of passing the foolish, pork-laden, economy-crushing, job-destroying cap & trade bill, call you congressman and senators and urge them to let it die a natural death. The bill, passed by the house, is languishing because the Senate is reluctant to take it up. Put a DNR order on the bill and instead look for ways to reduce government regulations, reduce taxes, and let the entrepreneurial spirit of American free enterprise put people back to work.

For the record, here’s the full text of the Change.org email which went out today:

The Gore effect – Proof that God has a sense of humor

NASA climatologist James Hansen has joined the call for civil disobedience at tomorrow’s Capitol Climate Action Demonstration – March 2nd 2009. The organizors are targeting the Capitol Power Plant, a coal-fired plant in DC which supplies heating and cooling to the Capitol and Congressional office buildings.

The Capitol Climate Action Project is explicitly calling for massive civil disobedience:

“We will surround the plant, disrupting access, and refuse to leave when asked.”

Capitol Climate Action – Action Guidelines

There’s going to be just one little PR / Public image /perception problem tomorrow. They’re going to be having a snowstorm in DC.

Cloudy. Occasional snow in the morning…then a chance of snow in the afternoon. Additional snow accumulation around an inch. Total snow accumulation 5 to 8 inches. Brisk with highs in the upper 20s. Northwest winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. Chance of snow 80 percent.

It’s now so common as to be downright laughable – whenever a public protest about global warming is scheduled, it seems almost guaranteed to produce a blizzard and/or record low temperatures.

Proof that God has a sense of humor.

Has Al Gore been in Massachusetts?

Across region, localities stagger under burden of coping with snow

Before today’s storm, Boston had already been hit with 44.7 inches of snow since the start of December, more than twice the amount that usually has fallen by this time of the season, said Alan Dunham, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Taunton. As a result, the city has spent $12.2 million of its $12.9 million snow removal budget, and it looked likely to exceed the budget with today’s storm, city officials said.

The Zeitgeist May Be Changing

Zeitgeist = Spirit of the Times.

Why do I think that?

I just read a preview for a new hard-cover novel scheduled for release on August 5 by John Ringo, entitled The Last Centurion. Here’s the two-sentence blurb:

“In the second decade of the 21st century the world is struck by two catastrophes, a new mini-ice age and a plague to dwarf all previous experiences. An American Army officer struggles to prevent the fall of his homeland – despite others’ efforts to stop him.”

Thank about that. An author thinks a surprising, but plausible plot line for the near future is the occurrence of a “mini ice-age.” It’s a delicious premise, of course. It has all sorts of possibilities for skewering the elites and marveling at their surprise and come-uppance. I can just imagine the dialog: “How much good are your compact fluorescent light-bulbs doing you now?”

Sounds like a good summer read. . . (while contemplating Global Warming!)

The gods must be angry

A group of humans experience natural disasters. They conclude that “the gods must be angry.” They also conclude that regaining the favor of the gods requires a sacrifice.

This logic is as old as recorded human history. It is a recurring and defining pattern of human behavior. It does not offer any conclusive proof about the existence of the gods, but there seems to be overwhelming proof of man’s need for the explanatory story of the gods behavior.

To put it another way, man (on overwhelming evidence across many places and many times) appears to be wired for a belief in the gods. I’m at a bit of a loss to conceive of an evolutionary advantage for this belief, but then, since I’m not a “believer” in the gods of evolution, this is not personally troubling.

But most moderns are quite proud of their “sophisticated” accomplishments and view with some disdain the “primitive” ideas of ancient (and not so ancient) cultures. Especially their quick resort to supernatural explanations for natural disasters and their rush to propitiate the gods.

I would submit to you, however, that most moderns are wired the same way as all other humans, and though they may dress up their underlying fear that, “the gods must be angry” with moden vocabularly and sophistication, they are living the functional equivalent of the egyptians babylonians canaanites, mayas, aztecs, and others.

For moderns, the “angry god” is gaia, mother earth. Our sins are as black as carbon and must be paid for. Mother Earth demands a sacrifice or she will destroy us all.

Torrential rains in NYC? Humans are at fault.

Earthquake in Utah? again, its us evil humans (of course those in the SUV’s are the most guilty)

Bridge collapse in Minneapolis? Again, forgive us gaia, we have sinned.

C.S.Lewis once observed that, “every age gets the science that it wants.”

The 20th century wants to believe that the evils that befall us are the fault of the capitalist sinners of advanced western economies.

The truth is, we really DO feel guilty. Because we really ARE guilty. But its not our carbon footprint that is the problem. It is our rebellion against the one true GOD. Our selfish hearts have chosen rebellion and disobedience. And we know we have sinned. We feel guilty because we ARE guilty. But buying carbon credits will not fix the problem.

God does not want a mechanical transaction to clear up the ledger books. God wants us to lay down our arms, turn around, and enter into a relationship with him. He does not call us to keep a set of rules. He wants a relationship with us.

And that relationship begins with an acknowledgement of the man, Christ Jesus. Fully God and fully man. The incarnation of God, who makes it possible to have that restored relationship with God.

Don’t trade your birthright for a mess of carbon credits. It is not gaia who needs to be propitiated. It is not gaia who will save us.

It is God himself, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who calls us to come to Him.

 – Rob Shearer
    Director, Schaeffer Study Center

The arrogance of Canute

Canute 2 (web)

Most people’s garbled version of the story of Canute is that he was the English king who’s sense of power and entitlement went to his head – leading to the arrogant attempt to command the tide not to come in. As if the tide were at all concerned with the wishes of a puny king.

There’s more than a little parallel with the demands that all of humankind join together to increase our use of bicylces and reduce our purchase of toilet paper in order to stop the earth from warming up. As if the earth and the sun were likely to pay attention to the likes of us.

Weather patterns do change over time. We have had centuries where it appears it was warmer (allowing Greenland to live up to its name) and when wine grapes were grown in Canada (hence the Vikings having called it Vinland). And we’ve had centures when it was colder.

We’ve had some winters / years which were exceptionally & unusually cold. In 1816, the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia caused the “Year Without a Summer.”

What has any of this to do with Christianity? A lot actually.

We are charged to be stewards of all that God has given us charge of. And fallen men have often behaved irresponsibly and marred the physical beauty and usefulness of God’s creation. But it is not difficult to detect in the modern environmental movement a scapegoating of mankind – especially western european, and american societies. There is a repeated and thinly veiled theme that treats man’s mere presence on the planet as evil and corrupting. The implied environmental solution seems quite often to logically require the killing off of most if not all of the human race. And we know who’s ultimate goal THAT is.

Environmentalism has rapidly acquired all of the characteristics of a religion. The development of a mechanism to purchase forgiveness in the form of “carbon credits” makes one want to look around for the 20th century Luther who will denounce the practice of selling indulgences and condemn Pope Algore as the anti-christ. BTW, for a great bit of comedic relief, check out this website, which offers carbon DEBITS for sale – to offset the carbon credits your friends may be buying.

There is an arrogance in the environmental movement. They arrogantly proclaim that the science is settled. The best resource I know of for an overview of the scientific community’s views is an ongoing series of articles being written by Lawrence Solomon of the Canadian Financial Post called, “The Deniers.” He started in November of 2006. The 27th article in the series was published in June of 2007. See especially the 25th article, entitled, “They call this a consensus?” There was no consensus in 1992, when Algore first began announcing that there was. And there’s not one now.

There is an even deeper arrogance in the environmental movement. It is the arrogance that attributes all unexplained climatic change on planet earth to the actions of humans. Skeptics used to laughingly accuse theists of being simple-minded when they attributed to God anything that could not be understood or explained by science. But modern man is rapidly projecting “global warming” as the cause for all that is going wrong on the planet.

The tide came in, despite what Canute commanded. And the climate will continue to change, despite whatever practices Al Gore can demagogue the gullible into adopting. Less toilet paper and more bicycles are not the answer. 

-Rob Shearer
  Director, Schaeffer Study Center

And before anyone starts on the issue of overpopulation, please read the following article which decisively debunks the myths of overpopulation: Too Many People? By Dr. Jacqueline R. Kasun